
Showing posts with the label avoid porn

SERIOUS side effect of PORN on MENTAL health

  Guys… this is without a doubt the number #1 reason you should stop watching porn immediately. It’s been shown to lead to less sex, and less satisfying sex, but also zero sex whatsoever. The way porn affects your brain, and the images that you’re accustomed to seeing, means that you’ll struggle when it comes to having sex with someone else. You don’t notice it happen, but your brain is gradually effected until it’s too late. If you stop watching, then eventually everything will go back to normal, and you won’t have issues anymore!    1.You’ll Start to Hate Your Body There’s a reason why famous porn-stars look the way they look. First, they were chosen, and then they go through a lot of makeup, surgery and Photoshop edits to finish the look. When you watch porn, you start to compare yourself with the actors, and in most cases that probably won’t make you feel good about yourself. But it’s silly to compare, because a lot of what you’re seeing isn’t natural. 2.Low Sexual Desire In one st