BEST Exercises For Extreme Hair Growth & Cure Baldness .

1. Scalp Massage Exercise:

Massaging the scalp helps in blood flow to the scalp thereby making other nutrients available to the hair follicles and improving the hair productivity.


Massaging the base of the neck and the shoulder, either by yourself or by getting some else to do it, has also been shown to help in re-growth of hair. You can massage your left shoulder with your right hand and vice versa.3.ADHO MUKHO SAVASANA(DOWNWARD DOG POSE)

Start with all four limbs in a straight dog position. The elbows and knees should be straight. Now, push the hips out and pull the stomach inwards so that the body makes an inverted ‘V’ shape. The legs should be hip wide apart and hands should have a shoulder’s distance in between them. Elongate the neck and press the palms to the ground. Hold this position for a few breaths4.Sirasasana (Head Stand)
This exercise involves balancing your entire body on your head. You need to invert your body, with your head resting on the ground with the help of your hands. With regular practice, you should be able to do this effectively. It improves blood circulation in the scalp. It promotes hair growth as it helps to supply essential nutrients to your hair roots. Not to mention, this pose also ensures an overall fit and toned body.5.In this pose, lie down flat on your stomach. Place your palms on the floor in a way that they are parallel to your shoulders. Now put your weight on your elbows and palms and lift your chest up. Keep your legs and feet on the floor. Hold this pose for at least 20-25 seconds. This pose improves digestion, heart-lung functioning, and also stimulates the flow of oxygen-rich blood in the body.

Remember these tips: 

  • There is another yoga exercise known as balayam which is associated with hair growth. If you rub your fingernails, it helps in boosting hair growth.
  • Other than Yoga, diet is as important as an exercise regime. So, add hair-friendly foods to your diet that would help you get rid of your hair troubles. Increase your intake of iron, zinc, vitamins and proteins to boost your hair growth.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals on your hair. Instead, use natural products to boost healthy hair growth.


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